To enroll in a class offered by the Catechetical Institute through Franciscan University, you initially create an account on their website. Each of the 26 collaboratives have been set up for parishoners to register. If you are not sure which collaborative you are in, you can review the document below. Click here to register as a new student of the Catechetical Institute through the Diocese of Kalamazoo.
New classes have been recently added including:
Following Jesus: The Challenge of Discipleship
The Directory for Catechesis: Principles for Forming Catechists
Incorporating Evangelization into Children's Faith Formation
Cómo cultivar la santidad en los niños (doblado) Spanish
Key Moments in the Liturgy
As the holidays approach, now is a great time to enroll for some online learning to grow in relationship with God. Please contact Joan Jaconette for any questions:
Phone: 269-349-8714 ext. 1113
Join your kids learning online today!
Already have an account through the Catechetical Institute? Click here to log in and access the workshops and certifications available.